Upcoming Webinar – CORAL: One System, Three Perspectives
Register now for an upcoming NASIG webinar discussing different ways libraries are using CORAL. April NASIG Webinar: CORAL: One System, Three Perspectives
From the Committees – Winter 2018
From the Steering Committee: We held elections in November 2017. Steve Oberg was re-elected to another term as Steering Committee chair. Steve, we’re grateful for your continued service to the CORAL community! The Steering Committee has a new member! Xiaoyan Song, Electronic Resources Librarian from NSCU Libraries, joined the Steering Committee in December 2017 and…
Have you ever wished you could send EBSCO metadata directly to CORAL? We have good news!
SirsiDynix is pleased to contribute a new feature requested by our customers who also use EBSCO to manage electronic resources. Created by Luke Aeschleman, Digital Technologies Development Librarian at NC State University, this enhancement will allow a CORAL staff user to search against the EBSCO Knowledge Base and import individual resource titles, or packages…
SC Meeting Minutes – June 23, 2017
Click on the following link for June’s Steering Committee minutes. sc_minutes_20170620
CORAL 2.0 is available!
CORAL Community, On behalf of the CORAL Steering Committee (SC), I’m pleased to let you know that CORAL 2.0 is now available at http://coral-erm.org/download/. Please review the release notes for additional information. Steve Oberg Chair, SC
SC Meeting Minutes – May 9, 2017
Click on the following link for May’s Steering Committee minutes. sc_minutes_20170509
SC Meeting Minutes – April 11, 2017
Click on the following link for April’s Steering Committee minutes. sc_minutes_20170411
CORAL 2.0 Release Candidate is now available!
CORAL Community, On behalf of the CORAL Steering Committee (SC), I’m pleased to let you know that a release candidate (RC) of CORAL 2.0 is now available at http://coral-erm.org/download/ Please review the release notes for additional information and note that this is a pre-release version, not intended for production use. Depending on users’ experiences with…
WC Meeting Minutes – March 2, 2017
Click on the following link for March’s Web Committee minutes. wc_minutes_20170302