CORAL v0.1.0-beta now available!
CORAL v0.1.0-beta is ready to try out! This new version of CORAL is focused on accessibility, internationalization, and mobile-first responsive layout principles. The new UI features a two-level navigation bar and other features to bring the ERM in line with accessibility standards. Read more about the beta release and download code here. Try out the Live…
CORAL 2024.04 is here!
The CORAL Steering Committee is pleased to announce the release of 2024.04. The latest release of CORAL includes updated PHP support to version 8, updates to jQuery and various bug fixes. A complete list of enhancements and bug fixes can be found on Github https://github.com/coral-erm/coral/releases/tag/v2024.04 Many thanks to all the developers and CORAL users who…
2023 CORAL Community Meeting
The CORAL Steering Committee is pleased to announce the 2023 CORAL Community Meeting! It will be held online on November 8, 2023. More information can be found at: http://coral-erm.org/2023-coral-community-meeting/
Proposal Deadline Extended for CORAL Online Summit
The CORAL Steering Committee is seeking presentations for the 2022 CORAL Online Summit to be held on May 18, 2022! If you are currently using CORAL for electronic resources management, please consider making a short 15 or 20 minute presentation for the online summit. Presentation topic suggestions include but are not limited to…
2022 CORAL Online Summit
The CORAL Steering Committee is pleased to announce the 2022 CORAL Online Summit will be held on May 18, 2022 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm (EDT). Registration is now open! Call for Proposals (Deadline is March 7th)
CORAL Awarded with $1000 Grant from Equinox Open Library Initiative
On behalf of the CORAL Steering Committee, I’m pleased to announce that Equinox Open Library Initiative, Inc. has awarded CORAL Steering Committee a $1,000 grant to fund its website hosting and domain fees. The award is part of Equinox Open Library Initiative’s efforts to support open source library systems. The grant will be used to…
CORAL 2020.02 is out!
The CORAL Steering Committee is excited to announce the release of 2020.02, which includes numerous enhancements and several bug fixes. Highlights of the enhancements include ILS connection update, inclusion of the Terms tools, EBSCO KB interface updates, improved numbers internationalization, enhancements to the dashboard and many other improvements. A complete list of enhancements and bug fixes along…
CORAL 3.0.1 is out now!
The CORAL Steering Committee is excited to announce the release of CORAL 3.0.1, which includes a wide variety of bug fixes requested from the 3.0 release last summer. Some of the major features include the commit of the Public Interface Generator (PIG) to the main repository, updates to several translations, and improvements to the export…
Dear CORAL User Community, On behalf of the CORAL Steering Committee (CORAL SC), I’m really pleased to announce that we recently voted unanimously to accept an invitation to join the Open Library Foundation (OLF). A final agreement or memorandum of understanding is currently being drafted. This marks the beginning of a new and exciting chapter…