CORAL community,
Here are a few important updates from the CORAL Steering Committee (SC):
– We’ve been notified by our host site for this discussion list (Notre Dame) that we need to migrate to another service and so we are in the process of planning the move from Listserv software to mailman, an open source alternative, hosted by BibLibre.
– Although the timing is not yet certain, it’s likely that this change will happen within the next 4-6 weeks.
– We will send out more details about the new home for CORAL-ERM and how to use it as soon as we have them.
– Look for a beta release of CORAL 2.0 in mid-January, complete with updated documentation.
– In preparation for that release, each site that wants to upgrade to CORAL 2.0 will need to first upgrade to the latest 1.x release.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reply to this email or contact
Chair, SC