People are publishing about CORAL! If you have something to add to this list, let us know. All citations are formatted according to the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition.

, , , , and . “Charting a Course through CORAL: Texas A&M University Libraries’ Experience Implementing an Open-Source Electronic Resources Management System.”
Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship 25, no. 1 (): 1638.

Bernhardt, Beth, Leah Hinds, and Lars Meyer. Charleston Conference Proceedings, 2022. Ann Arbor, MI: Michigan Publishing Services, 2023. PDF. Michael Kares and Erica Rohlfs, Why an ERM in a Small Library? Implementing CORAL at William Jessup University

, , , and . “The Quest for the Holy Grail: Too Many ERM Systems Are Not Enough!
Charleston Library Conference .
Accessed November 26, 2018.
, and . “Pulling It All Together: Using CORAL ERM for Serials Acquisitions Management.”
Serials Review 42, no. 3 (): 216221.
Accessed November 26, 2018.
, , and . “CORAL: Implementing an Open-Source ERM System.”
The Serials Librarian 64, no 1-4.
Accessed November 26, 2018.
, , , and . “The Future Is Flexible, Extensible, and Community-Based: Stories of Successful Electronic Resources Management.”
The Serials Librarian 70, no. 1-4 (): 204210.
, and . “License Management: Making It Fun and Flexible with CORAL.”
Charleston Library Conference, .
, , and . “Beyond Implementation: Making Your ERMS Work for You.”
Charleston Library Conference, .
, and . “Implementation and Application of CORAL: An Open Source ERM System.”
Collection Management 38, no. 1 (): 7579.
. “Open Source Electronic Resource Management Systems: Coral and Ermes Conference Report.”
Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship 23, no. 4.
Accessed November 26, 2018.
. “From Users to Developers: NCSU’s Involvement with an Open Source ERM.”
The Code4Lib Journal 34 ().
Accessed November 26, 2018.
and . “E-Resource Round Up: An Update from the 2017 ER & L CORAL Users Group Meeting.”
Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship 29, no. 3: 189197.
. “Optimizing an Octopus: A Look at the Current State of Electronic Resources Management and New Developments in the CORAL ERM System.”
Against the Grain 30, no. 1 (): 1824.
Accessed November 26, 2018.