Presentations & Publications – Summer 2018


Paul Poulain and Matthias Meusburger from BibLibre presented at KohaCon about the possibilities for ILS and ERM integration, demonstrating BibLibre's recently developed Koha-CORAL integration. The slides are available above.

  • Wednesday, September 19, 2018 - CORAL 101 - Electronic Information for Libraries (EIFL) Webinar

Rebecca Tatterson, Electronic Resources Librarian at East Carolina University, and Heather Wilson, Acquisitions & Electronic Resources Librarian at Caltech, presented a basic overview of CORAL for the library systems who participate in EIFL. The presentation is available online, but the two will be re-recording the presentation for CORAL's emerging Youtube station. Stay tuned!


CORAL was recently featured in the Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship, thanks to Carla Clark from Sirsi Dynix. She provided an overview of CORAL 3.0 for newcomers.

Are you doing any professional development work with CORAL? Let us know